Cognitive Space - DJ Tendai

The home of DJ Tendai

Tendai – Secret London for The End Nightclub

The End Secret London

By on 22/04/2013

I miss The End nightclub so much, it was my home away from home and was where I honed my skills as a DJ

Being resident DJ there I did a part for their website called Secret London in 2008 where I talked about some of my favourite places to go to in London that weren’t so much talked about. I just found it again today, check it out –

5 years later I still agree with most of whats on there and highly recommend them all. There has been a few closures though – Eatzone Noodle House, Cheapo Cheapo Records, Mash, and Phlip Clothing have all closed.

I’m going to do a continuation of Secret London in the near future on this site……look out for it